Anti-trends in plastic surgeries

If you long for sexier upper body curves or more noticeable cleavage in swimwear, low cut fashions or lingerie, it’s helpful to learn the PROS and CONS of…

In our clinic we offer the most full list of plastic surgeries and perfect post-operative care. Our experienced specialists pay major attention to patient’s health and needs. Our doctors constantly improve their skills, participate in medical and scientific conferences to provide high-class medical help to every single patient! 

Med Center is the center of a fine laser surgery abroad. We have developed effective methods of laser treatment, which are successfully used in general and plastic surgery, proctology, gynecology, urology, phlebology, dermatology, and cosmetology. Application of laser method allows quick and flawless treatment of various conditions. Italian laser equipment Deka, used in the clinic for medical and cosmetological operations, provides a high aesthetic and therapeutic effect.

1. freepik.com 2. unsplash.com 3. lottiefiles.com

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